Find your Light 2015
There is much going on this week with Nieva. Fundraisers, Fashion Shows, Food promotions, Radio Interviews, Television interviews... All in honor of many children area wide including our sweet Nieva. I will update on all of that soon too, but tonight I needed to share a peaceful post. I never want for this to be a place of negativity. I want to to be raw, yet always as positive as possible, because I feel that attitude is what helps us as humans to endure.
There is so much to hate and anger in this world. And we can choose to encapsulate these entities and let them live inside us as bitterness, resent, or pain.
Taken by Lana Snyders - Edited by 2015
But I don't want to simply float through this world exuding despair. We have experienced a lot of loss (more specifically my father-in-law Tim, my friend's sweet baby Edith, and Jordon's Uncle Rick) these past years. Our daughter's battle has had to add to those stresses and disappointments for many close in our lives. Despite our situations I know one thing. We endure. And I don't want my spirit to suffocate the joy in others. Ever.
There is a time for all things. We must take the good with the bad. And we must find the light when its cold and dark. We must not give up.
One small flicker can turn into a wealth of warmth. Can we be that flicker? Can we find our light and pull people into it? Help them be part of something greater?
We can.
When the worst of days come... heavy, stagnant, suffocating... We must push upward for that light. And we can.
Find strength in the quiet or the chaos. Realize its been here this whole time. An ability to stand up and choose to try to smile today.
Find the light. And then light your world. <3