"N" First Day of Pre-K ~ Millions of Emotions ~Amanda's Imagery
The emotions of today took me off guard. N's gone to preschool 2 years prior already at a private preschool. So I guess I didn't expect today to be so emotional. There was something about the chaos of orientation on Monday evening though that really took me off guard. SO many kids and so much going on. So different from our quiet little world that is home. Nieva and I have been essentially glued at the hip all spring and summer after discontinuing preschool and daycare last February. After her three month battle with the chickenpox and now ending her cancer treatment, the world feels sort of strange and new. What do I watch for? What do I tell her teachers to watch for? I was feeling the anxiety dropping her off despite her enthusiasm. When I picked her up I think some small part of me wanted for her to miss me terribly. She ran to me full speed and gave me a huge hug as I walked to meet her after school today. Seriously, all the feels! She loved her first day and is so happy. I hope she is always this enthusiastic about learning. Today is a milestone that we got experience by the grace of God. I overhear so much petty concern in the day to day. But our experiences have made me realize how little care I have to complain about little things, because there are much BIGGER things around us to complain about. Things we could all make a difference with if we poured that energy into good. When you have watched your child lay lifeless in a life and death balance as we did... every moment like this feels so huge and special. 3 short months ago machines were breathing every breathe for this child, Her face and mouth and hair and organs covered in sores. When she woke up from ventilators she seemed to not recognize anyone for almost a week. We worried whether she had been cognitively damaged for life. Whether she would ever come back to us. And then we went home and were crushed when she relapsed with her chickenpox and continued on battling them from April 28th through late July because her chemo weakened body couldn't fight.
These photos just make huge tears well over and my stomach tie in knots. We are so lucky and so filled with gratitude for her life. Count your blessings as your children walk off to their first days of school these few weeks. We are so thankful for another year! :)
Sioux Falls Photographer ~ Amanda's Imagery Portrait and Wedding Studio
www.amandasimagery.com Amanda's Imagery 2015