Learning to Let Go in the New Year

It is easy this time of year to feel a bit overwhelmed.  The rush and laughter of the holiday seasons has passed and the cold months of winter loom ahead like a foreboding misty eternity. Finances are often low from holiday expenses and waist lines less than ideal from holiday food.  

January marks a time of introspection and deep thought on what our plan is for this new year.  How do we fix ourselves?  How do we make life better?  We may feel stress about circumstances or people in our lives and ask how we can make situations better.  

I often feel pressure as I try to decide how to balance it all.  What goals do I make with my business, marketing and the many hats of being a business owner this year?  Where do we find family time and date nights amongst all of our busy schedules?  And beyond that, how do I schedule time to take care of myself amongst it all?

Since Nieva's health has returned we have undoubtedly continued to struggle with that work/life balance of trying to care for our family, our careers and our selves.  Like the calm after a storm there has been this eerie silence left in the wake of all the trauma of the past years.  Life hasn't really felt "normal" again.  A new year though symbolizes transition and hope for a new time and I have to say I feel incredible hope for the amazing year this can and will be. Despite many things in 2016 not going as we had hoped or dreamed it would, there were still some incredible blessings and successes and we continue to believe that better times are ahead.  

Part of reflecting and allowing ourselves to be renewed is letting go of that which weighs us down.  Grudges, anger and past heartaches act like weights on the soul.  They do little harm to those and that we hold them towards, but destroy our own hearts slowly.  

The Bible says:

"But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you." -Matthew 5:44

I believe this passage is trying to convey an important truth.  An ancient understanding that harboring bitterness poisons us, but loving those hard to love fosters more joy and in turn brings greater connections and blessed opportunity.  I do not believe this passage extends only to people, but also to ideologies, situations and conditions beyond our control.  To make peace with that which we disagree with or can not control can be incredibly difficult, but also profoundly freeing. 

So I leave you with this challenge.  

Letting Go Exercise:

  • Take a few moments to jot down or think about that which has been emotionally weighing on you this past year.  Sometimes it takes active thinking to realize what these are.  
  • After a few moments of reflection, imagine a warm light encircling your body.  Take a few long deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth and then visualize that you are allowing this light to absorb and remove the weights you have allowed for yourself.  
  • Allow this light then to slowly fade away taking these weights away with it.  If you have written your thoughts feel free to rip up this paper and throw it away signifying you no longer give them power over you.

May your new year be filled with resilience, peace and abounding opportunities to live to the full potential within you.

Love and light,
